
Good estimates are good business.

With clear, customizable estimates, you & your techs can book more electrical jobs than ever.

Create better estimates for free.

Easily build, send & accept custom electrical estimates out in the field or from your office.

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No More Guesstimates 

Impress customers with better, faster, estimates.

  • Custom Quotes

    Build clear, custom estimates.

    Easily create custom estimates that have your electrical company’s branding, detail the work to be done, and make it easy for you and your techs to book new jobs or add to existing ones.

  • View, Send & Accept

    Start jobs faster.

    We’ve streamlined electrical estimates so you and your techs can create, view, and send estimates in the field or from the office. Customers can accept on the spot, so you can get to work.

  • Accessible Anywhere

    In the field or the office.

    Access your electrical company’s estimates system while you’re out in the field (using the field service app) or behind a desk. Never miss a beat when you’re booking work.

  • Better flexibility You won’t have to worry about complicated (or even hand-written!) estimates, not with a flexible, functional system that lets you create and customize estimates based on each customer’s needs.
  • Faster approvals Because your customers can view and accept electrical estimates from anywhere, you’ll get faster approvals. This leads to happier customers and techs, who can book jobs immediately.
  • More jobs Never again leave work on the table, because you’ll have a system that follows up with customers who haven’t yet approved their estimates. This adds up to more jobs!

We solved estimates for electricians.

Learn how to get more even more value & time back from your business.

Customer Management

Monitor and control every part of the customer journey with a system that’s designed just for electrical contractors. The entire road has been laid out for you, all you have to do is drive.

Visit Customer Management

Field Services App

When they’re out in the field, your techs need an app that lets them create estimates, accept payments, see upcoming jobs, and more. Our electrician field services app does this and so much more!
Visit Field Services App

Job Scheduling & Dispatch

Streamline dispatch and schedule jobs the smart way with a system that’s accessible from your phone or computer. We’ve developed dispatch technology that makes everything easier.
Visit Job Scheduling & Dispatch


It’s easy to create, send, and accept estimates for electrical jobs from the field or the office. Impress customers, book more jobs, and help your techs get started on the work faster than ever.

Invoices & Accounting

Stop wasting your time with double entries and manual account reconciliation. Our invoice and accounting system allows for full QuickBooks integration. It’s easier accounting for electricians.
Visit Invoices & Accounting

Payment Processing

Now more than ever, customers are used to making fast and easy payments. Payment processing through Electricians.AI is safe, secure, and simple. Send payment links and process payments anywhere.
Visit Payment Processing

Dashboard & Reporting

Always know what’s happening with every part of your electrical business. Your dashboard, complete with real-time reporting, makes it easy to see it all so you can manage it all.
Visit Dashboard & Reporting


Set prices for your services, equipment, and parts to make estimates and invoicing streamlined and simple. The Electricians.AI pricebook management system lays it all out for you!
Visit Pricebook

Tasks Manager

Tackle your to-do list and manage tasks with less fuss. The task management system was built with electricians in mind, streamlining tasks, and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks again.
Visit Tasks Manager

Electricians love us because their customers love them.

“We’ve had nothing but record-breaking revenue months.”
A-Temp Thumbnail
Erika Schneider A-Temp

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